We are proud to announce that Highland has been selected as a Top Laravel Development Company by TopDevelopers.co, a reputed research and review platform of IT service providers that are familiar with many different custom Laravel developers across a wide range of development teams and sectors. From ecommerce to scalable back-end solutions, Highland was voted as one of the best development companies.
As a digital product and innovation consultancy, Highland helps mission-driven companies research, design, and build digital products and experiences that help people flourish. We believe that what we make and how we work should make it a little bit better to be alive: for us, our clients, and their customers.
physical and mental health, financial wellbeing, and community engagement.

Many Highlanders have nontraditional tech backgrounds and hail from the humanities — we’ve got pastors, philosophers, psychologists, a formally trained architect, a couple of professional musicians, an expert in Animal Reproductive Physiology, and even an opera singer among our ranks.
Download the report.
Thought Leadership & Development Solutions from our team
Below are several posts, written by Highlanders, about their experience working with Laravel:
- Laravel Feature Tests Using Regex Patterns | I recently created a Laravel app that implemented swappable repositories to create random numbers. One of the…
- Laravel’s Array Get for Statamic | I use this addon in every Statamic project
- Asynchronous Debugging in Vue.js and Laravel | A couple of simple tricks I use regularly to circumvent common debugging problems
- Firewalls are for suckas | Or Trusted Proxies + Middleware as a firewall replacement
- Authenticating users in a new Laravel app with a legacy database | A super-simple solution I haven’t seen documented elsewhere
When you visit Highland’s profile on TopDevelopers.co, you will see that we have a strong and steady reputation for web and software development.
Want to see more web solutions and overall success stories? Check out our work.
SaaS Solutions and more can fit your business needs throughout the development process by contacting Highland today.